Thursday, August 28, 2008

The End of History?

After reading the in depth thoughts and remarks of Fukuyama I was nonetheless stunned. In the beginning I was prepared for a dull dry philosophical explanation that was completely radical and outrageous. However, I was surprised to find that maybe we have reached the end point of mankind's ideological evolution.

I must admit this all seems like a bizarre episode of the Twilight Zone because to me the title of his piece seemed to allude to the fact that the world was ending... but maybe thats true... maybe the world as some people once knew it kind of is?

Perhaps we have reached our final form of human government. The United States especially seems held bent on making sure that every other country implements a democracy. Maybe this form of government will be victorious and like the survival of the fittest kill off all other forms or notions of ruling.

I will agree outstanding transformations have occurred, however, at some-point he kind of lost me. And at that moment I began to wonder if we were all being idealists? I began to wonder what it actually took for a society to become successful? Was it by becoming liberal?

For now I am content not knowing because with only one day of class under my belt I'm sure its ok if I'm still puzzled.